The brewery operates with a bare bones staff of 5 dedicated individuals who work painstakingly to fill each bottle with their every effort. It has become known for their work developing the beautiful character of local Kochi derived yeast strains such as the CEL-24 which was developed in 1993. The CEL-24 thrives under low temperature, slow brewing conditions and produces sake with beautiful tropical fruit aromas, delicious tartness and lower alcohol content.
The brewery operates with a bare bones staff of 5 dedicated individuals who work painstakingly to fill each bottle with their every effort. It has become known for their work developing the beautiful character of local Kochi derived yeast strains such as the CEL-24 which was developed in 1993. The CEL-24 thrives under low temperature, slow brewing conditions and produces sake with beautiful tropical fruit aromas, delicious tartness and lower alcohol content.
亀泉酒造は5人の熱心な人材によって支えられており、一本いっぽん真心を込めて醸されています。1993年に開発されたCEL-24をはじめ、高知県産の酵母の個性を生かした酒を醸すことでも知られている亀泉酒造。 CEL-24は低温でゆっくり時間をかけた醸造条件のもと、トロピカルフルーツのような美しい香りと旨味のある酸味、低いアルコール度数の酒を生み出します。