• Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)
  • Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)
  • Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)
  • Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)
  • Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)
  • Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml)

Kameizumi Junmai Ginjo Hiyaoroshi Koiku 63 Go (720 ml) 亀泉 純米吟醸ひやおろし 高育63

This is an autumn expression of Kameizumi's ultra limited brew, given the scarcity of 'Koiku 63 (Kazanaruko)' cultivated in Tosa, Kochi.  With the passage of time, from winter through to autumn, the sake has developed an elegant & rounded mouthfeel, with its signature, crisp and sharp finish.   

高知土佐ならではの日本酒に特化した蔵元の秋の純米吟醸生酒です。高知県開発の酒造好適米「高育63号(風鳴子)」と「高知酵母AA-41」を使用して醸されています。 バナナやメロンを思わせるフルーティな香りとコクがありキレの良い味わいをお楽しみください。

clean and dry
Seasonal (Autumn Release)
on the palate
clear and full-bodied
on the nose
banana | melons
RPR (Rice Polishing Ratio)
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It has a fruity aroma reminiscent of bananas and melons, plus a clear, refreshing taste that spreads throughout your mouth. It is a perfect drink to pair with the flavors of autumn!

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koiku 63 (kazenaruko)
SMV (Sake Meter Value)
Water Source
spring water with low mineral content, originating from niyodo river, known as the 'miraculous clear water stream'
kochi yeast AA-41

How to enjoy楽しみ方

Recommended pairings
flavors of autumn like mushrooms and chestnuts
Serving temperature
Serving vessels
white wine glass

Kameizumi Shuzo亀泉酒造

Kameizumi Shuzo in Tosa, Kochi Prefecture, is a quaint little brewery producing a small amount of impressive sake which sells as quickly as it’s made. The brewery operates with a bare bones staff of 5 dedicated individuals who work painstakingly to fill each bottle with their every effort. They have become known for their work developing the beautiful character of local Kochi derived yeast strains such as the CEL-24 which was developed in 1993.