Noguchi Naohiko Sake Institute


Annual Production
700 Koku (126,000L)

The Noguchi Naohiko Sake Institute was established in 2017 as a tribute to master brewer Noguchi Naohiko. Designed to be a training ground for young future Toji to apprentice under the tutelage of Noguchi Toji, a man often referred to as “The God of Sake” due to his more than 70 years of sake brewing and his legacy in the industry. This unusual brewery was designed around one Master Brewer rather than having been a family run company passed on from generation to generation and it bears the name of the Toji, a testament to his excellence in the industry. Mr. Noguchi is said to have come out of retirement to lead this great project.

Noguchi Toji, now 90 years old, has been a Toji (Head Brewer) since the young age of 27. He has won 27 Gold Medals at the Annual Japan Sake Awards among uncountable other awards over his career and was even presented with the prestigious Yellow Medal of Honor for Master Craftsmanship by the Emperor of Japan.


現在 90 歳の農口氏は、27歳の若さで杜氏となり日本酒大賞で27個の金賞を受賞し、天皇陛下より黄綬褒章を授与されるなど、数え切れないほどの賞を受賞しています。