Soft mouthfeel + rich flavor + lingering sweet + sour acidity = The autumn taste of Oze no Yukidoke's popular "Ozeyuki"! The fruity Oze no Yukidoke Hiyaoroshi has arrived ♪ Enjoy the fruity aroma reminiscent of apples and pears as the lingering sweetness envelops your taste buds with every sip ... Withness the astounding balance of sweetness and acidity, soft mouthfeel and good sharpness.
柔らかな口当たり+コク旨+甘酸=この一本! 一足お先に。。フルーティーな尾瀬の雪どけのひやおろしが入荷 林檎や洋ナシを想わせるフルーティーな香りと柔らかな酸。 余韻の長い甘みが包み込み心地良くフェードアウト。! 甘味と酸味のバランスが良く、柔らかな口当たりとキレの良さ。オゼユキらしいフルーティーなひやおろしを是非お楽しみください