The fourth collaboration between NAMACHA Brewing and ISEKADO has taken place.
This time, they experimented by combining smoked flavors with ISEKADO's occasional winter brew, the Oyster Stout. This beer has a transparent black appearance and is characterized by robust smoked aromas, toasted richness, fruity notes, and a subtle hint of the sea.
On the palate, it offers a blend of sweetness and bitterness with a smooth mouthfeel.
Crafted with an emphasis on drinkability, the beer was carefully balanced using aged hops and roasted malts. The malt blend includes a generous portion of oats, delivering a silky texture, while fermentation with English ale yeast resulted in a rich body and a pleasant level of residual sweetness, creating a beer that can be enjoyed continuously.
NAMACHAん Brewingさんとのコラボビール。おなじみの燻製モルトでオイスタースタウトを仕込みました。透明度のある黒色の外観に、やや茶色がかった粗い泡が立ち上がります。強い燻製香がトップに、香ばしい焙煎香と酵母由来のリンゴやオレンジの香りも感じられます。奥にはほのかな磯の香り。口に含むと程よい甘味と焙煎由来の苦みとともに、口いっぱいに香りが広がります。弱めの炭酸とオーツ由来の質感で、滑らかな飲み口に仕上がっています。