Although the brewery was initially founded in 1918, creating sake originally known by the brand name Homare no Takagawa, production was suspended during WWII. After a long hiatus, it reopened in 1957 and established the brand name Miyakanbai. The name is derived from the winter plum which buds in the spring, just when sake which has been fermenting during the winter is released for enjoyment.
The brewery was completely destroyed during the Great Eastern Earthquake of 2011, however, it was immediately rebuilt by the end of that same year.
1918年の創業当初は「誉の高川」という銘柄で醸造していましたが、第二次世界大戦が始まると醸造中断となり、生産が再開後の1957年に「宮寒梅」というブランドを確立させました。冬の間に発酵させて仕上げた酒を、花が咲く春先に愛でる ― 「宮寒梅」は春になると芽吹く寒梅から由来しています。