AJB- Anglo Japanese Brewing Company



Originally begun out of a desperation for decent beer by owner Tom Livesey, the Anglo Japanese Brewery sits in the mountain town of Nozawa, Nagano Prefecture, a place known for its powdery ski slopes and hot springs.  Tom, an artist from Derbeyshire England and Emiko, formerly a member of the fast-paced international banking industry, originally set up a bar called Libushi in Nozawa having left the big city craving a life in the countryside.  This move eventually led to a local craft brewing empire.  

AJB puts a strong focus on barrel aging and is also taking on new challenges with aged brews.  Tom is a passionate brewer experimenting with endless recipes and styles, occasionally working with wild yeasts, developing recipes which incorporate local ingredients such as Shinshu soba buckwheat and Kawanakajima peaches.  He aims to make beers for the beer geeks rather than the masses, in any style but ordinary.  They strive to create beers which can contend with wine in how they are enjoyed and paired with food.  


AJBでは、樽熟成に力を入れており、熟成させたビールで新たなチャレンジを重ねながら、さらにそのフィールドを広げています。 リヴシー氏は、信州そばや川中島の桃など地元の食材を使ったレシピを開発したり、時には野生酵母を使用し、多様なレシピやスタイルを追求する情熱的なブルワーです。 リヴシー氏が目指しているのは、大衆向けではなくビールオタク向けのビール。ワインに負けない、料理との相性を考えたビール作りを目指しています。